JulY 17 – 20, 2024



Three competitions will be held: 

  • Singles (male* identified, female* identified, non-binary)
  • Doubles (male* identified, female* identified, non-binary) and
  • Mixed teams (4 players).

To get the most out of your bowling experience, all athletes will participate in all competitions.

If you do not have a team or doubles partner, we will assign one to you on the day of the tournament.

You do not need to indicate your handicap during registration. Your handicap will be calculated on the day of the tournament based on an average value.

The tournament will be overseen by Anton Schön.


8.15 am check in
8.30 am Captain’s Meeting
8.45 am warm up (10 Minutes)
9.00 am start Team Event (3 games)

11.45 am warm (10 Minutes)
12.00 pm start Doubles Event (3 games)

2.00 pm lunch break

3.15 pm warm up (10 Minutes)
3.30 pm start individual Event (3 Games)
6.00 pm Medal Ceremony


registered participants

All genders teams
Biotech- Bowlers
Die Lindwürmer
Frankfurt Bembel Boys
Kegelketsers 1
Kegelketsers 2
Luck-y-Strike Hamburg
Pin Twisters
Pindigo Girls
Rosa Panther
Stockholm All Stripes


PLUS Bowling Center
Beheimgasse 5-7
1170 Vienna


We recommend that the team captains register first and create the team name.  Then the team members can be invited to the team.

If you are a team captain and an athlete too you do not have to register as an athlete for the team competition cause you can do that already as team captain.

For bowling team of four competition you have to register separately in bowling (team) – only for the TEAM.

Registration closed.


Tournament dates

Friday, July 19th, 2024, 8:00-18:30


  • Singles
  • Doubles
  • Mixed teams of four

Gender categories

  • Female* identified
  • Male* identified
  • Non-binary

Registration fee

€ 90 for EGLSF members
€ 110 for non EGLSF members

Additional sports fee
€ 30 for bowling