JulY 17 – 20, 2024



The 4-racket-sport of Racketlon is a great sport for all racket sports fans. Opponents play against each other in table tennis, badminton, squash and then tennis (in that order), with each sport played to 21 points. The player who scores the most points across all four sports wins the Racketlon match.

Every point in every sport counts towards your score, so there are a lot of tactics, mental pressure and fun to be had in every match. The Eurogames Racketlon competition is open to all genders, we have different classes for all abilities and ages, so they are open to everyone to play: from beginners to elite players, in singles and doubles.

Each participant may take part in one singles and one doubles competition.

The EuroGames’ Racketlon event is organised by the European Racketlon Union, and it’s even part of the FIR Racketlon World Tour.


registered participants


Racketworld Ottakring
Kendlerstraße 47
1160 Vienna

Registration closed.


Tournament dates

Thursday, July 18th, 2024, 9:00-17:00
Friday, July 19th, 2024, 9.00-17:00


  • A – Elite
  • B – Amateur
  • Juniors (18-21)
  • Seniors (40+)
  • Seniors (45+)

Gender categories

  • Female* identified
  • Male* identified
  • Non-binary/mixed

Registration fee

€ 90 for EGLSF members
€ 110 for non EGLSF members

No additional sports fee